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We Are Learning About Our Watersheds!


Fayette County is a part of the Hatchie Watershed.  We also have the Wolf River in south Fayette County.  We are excited to learn how we can sample, test, and help in our own backyard. This coming school year we hope to work with local farmers and land owners to evaluate Bennett Creek.  The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation along with the Tennessee Nature Conservancy have offered their expertise to train us about riparian zones and water quality testing.  We will put our LBL skills to the test. 

Watersheds Matter

We must learn to appreciate the importance of our watershed and work to keep them safe. It really does matter. Check back as we share what we learn about our watershed.

Habitats Matter
Riparian Buffer Zones

All of nature's creatures need a place to live.  We will learn about the value of riparian zones for widlife and water filtration.

Trees need water too and they clean and refresh the air we breath.We are learning about the importance of trees along the banks of rivers and creeks and the role they play in cleaner waters and wildlife preservation.



Have you ever wondered where all the rain goes?  We are learning how watersheds handle the excess water during flooding events and how the condition of the watershed matters to us and wildlife. 

Trees Matter
Water filtation matters.
Rain Matters

Check Out this Document.  Something to think about.

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